hello blackmarks =D
wow ~
what a weekend we had
ngalih berabis
but well,
whatever happens
it happened
Jamming Stars !
wow ~
what a weekend we had
ngalih berabis
but well,
whatever happens
it happened
Jamming Stars !
congratulations to Blackmarkers cz dapat #3 at Jamming Stars
walaupun inda dapat to the top
atleast we got the top 3
and im proud of my band
so much !
Jumping to conclusion .. the top 3
1. D'Medley (all the way from Kuala Belait .. thanks for coming)
2. Dragonfly (geng2 durg Awoi)
3. Blackmarkers
credits for PrimeMedia for making it happen
eventhough kami sasak cara kamu menganjurkan
tapi wat2do
in the end,
we did our best to make it happen
yay !
credit to Powerhit for sponsoring the soundsystem
walaupun ada kesalahan teknikal
sadaaaaaaang ~
thanks :)
and sekarang,
kita mau pulang membawa kemenangan
after the show,
we decided to have our little fun with smoke
shisha lah =p
BOB punya treat
yay !
thanks to BOB our guitarist coz melanja kami beshisha
atleast inda jua stress =D
alright then ..
to everyone,
thankyou for supporting us
and to those who wanna know abt us
just come to our performance
insyaAllah ada kami list2kan our upcoming performances ara dis blog
insyaAllah ~
until next time..
" berlari dan terus bernyanyi mengikuti irama sang mentari,
tertawa dan selalu CERIA, berikan ku arti hidup ini ~ "
tertawa dan selalu CERIA, berikan ku arti hidup ini ~ "
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