13 November 2008

things in mind

Dari Studio Satu Recording Session
- held on 14th November (which is tomorrow !)
- 2pm til abis

Rentak Juara 2008
- audition held on 21st and 23rd of November

- 2pm til 5pm / 8pm til 12am
- bertempat di umumkan kemudian

Rapsodi 2008
- held on 28th November

- bertempat di Dewan Raya RTB

this two things are making me busy this month
oh well,
bukan selalu membusykan diri ane
i am totally free after 12am
cz at that time
'dia' muncul (:

so emm,
wish all of us the best
and jgn kurang membagi support
sbb itulah yang kami harap2kan daripada kamu semua
thankyou ~

p/s : happy birthday to Nurul Aaliyah (:
makin tuha sudah cik Leha ane aa
hahaha ;p

-27 and gd's

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